Monday, November 23, 2009

Lazy Knitter

I'm a lazy knitter and proud of it!

I'm known by my knitting friends as someone who won't purl. It's not that I can't purl; I can. I merely choose not to purl (despite what everyone seems to think!). It takes too much concentration to go back and forth between knit and purl, knit and purl, knit and purl. If I'm only knitting, I don't have to pay nearly as much attention as I would if I had to keep switching back and forth. I've found that I can do quite a bit without ever having to purl:

* scarves - for warmth and for fashion
* eyeglass cases
* cell phone cases
* dishcloths
* purses
* hats - on straight needles AND on circulars
* afghan
* mittens (well, I started one once...)
* belts

I welcome any patterns where all I have to do is the knit stitch. And I love knitting on large needles. Everything goes so much faster that way! The afghan I just finished was knit with four strands of yarn held together and on size 50 needles. It's practically like knitting with Coke cans, but wow, can you make progress quickly! The fact that it took me a little more than 2 months to finish does not reflect on the pattern. It reflects on the knitter - me. Remember me? The Lazy Crafter?

Welcome to the Lazy Crafter!

Welcome to the Lazy Crafter!

This blog is dedicated to the various crafty things that I like to do - all of which I am extremely lazy about! I like to knit, but I like instant gratification. I like to scrapbook, but I'm more of a slap-it-on-the-page-and-move-on kind of girl. I like making jewelry but find parts of it extremely tedious. I like doing all sorts of other crafty things but am always looking for a shortcut. I love to cook and bake but am always happy when I can find a shortcut or a way to skip a step or two.

If this sounds anything like you then read on! If not, then read on anyway. Maybe you'll learn something new and be inspired to be lazy just like me!